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Oh, Brother

Even if they are annoying, a brother is a blessing. I couldn't imagine my life without 'The Boy' in it.

Christmas 2020

“Sisters and brothers just happen, we don't get to choose them, but they become one of our most cherished relationships”

- Wes Adamson

Another Sibling

Everyday I think about how lucky I am to be able to experience having both a sister and brother. I have talked about my relationship with my sister and I thought it was only fair to feature my brother next.

For seven years of my life, it was just my sister and I. To this day, my parents still bring up the story of when they told us that we would be getting another sibling.

I will never forget that day. As we drove home from school, my mom told my sister and I that we would be getting a surprise. I was thoroughly convinced that it was a trampoline. In my mind, I could not believe that my protective mother finally caved in and would let us have one.

The whole drive home I kept imagining a trampoline waiting for us in the backyard. However, this was not the case.

Our parents sat us down and made the announcement that we would soon have a baby brother or sister. My reaction was, well, not excitement. Instead of jumping for joy, I turned to the couch and began to cry "I don't want another one!"

At the time I did not want another sibling. I was perfectly happy with just the one. Never would I have realized how big of a positive impact another sibling would be on my life.

A Brother

When my sister and I found out we were going to have a brother, I was not sure what we were going to do with him. The only experience I had with boys were the ones in my class.

Having a brother was going to be a big change not only for us, but the whole family. My brother, Hohlt, to this day is the only boy on both sides of our family. I have not, and likely never will, have boy cousins.

I was use to being around girls all the time. What was I suppose to do with a brother?

While it was unknown territory, I eventually realized how fun it could be to have a brother. I always tell people that having a little brother will keep you on your toes. Even though they can be annoying, a sister-brother relationship is something unique.

The Boy

Hohlt continues to be the only boy on both sides of the family. Even when my mother's siblings started to have more kids, they each continued to have girls.

Being the only boy, Hohlt has been given many nicknames. However, the one name that has stuck for years is simply 'The Boy.'

When Sydney and I first started calling him this, people thought we were being rude. We still have to explain that he really is 'The Boy' because there are no other boys. It is not meant to be rude, it is just a literal synopsis of who he is. I like to think that Hohlt likes being 'The Boy.'

Now with him in high school, we are trying to convince him to put 'The Boy' on the collar of his letterman when he gets it.

Having The Boy In My Life

In a lot of ways I am glad that I was born before my brother. I know that there were times I had wished to have an older brother, but I have loved being an older sister to Hohlt.

I have been lucky to be able to watch him grow up over the years. Now 15, in high school and learning to drive, I cannot believe how he has grown. And not just physically. Yes, he has gotten quite tall and refuses to stop growing, but he has also grown in maturity.

It amazes me at times how mature he has become. He is still a little brother and likes to get on my nerves and I am sure always will, but I get to see a side of him now that shows how much he cares about his family.

A great example of this was this past holiday break. Over the break I had extensive dental work done and a few complications afterwards. The moment I got home, Hohlt was checking on me nonstop. He would ask what I needed, bring me things to help and overall just took care of me.

Honestly, I was so drugged up that I do not remember what I said to him in response, but I remember telling my parents how much it meant to me that he would do that.

Lucky to be His Sister

I am so very grateful that Heavenly Father sent Hohlt to us. I have loved having him in my life and watching him grow.

Hohlt brings joy and a lot of laughter into my life. Seeing him doing well in school, enjoy band and becoming more and more passionate about automotive makes my heart full.

I cannot wait to see what is in store for his future.

No matter how much taller than me he gets, he will always be my little brother. I cannot imagine my life without The Boy.

Love y'all!

- M.E.

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