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The Ermis Girls

Growing up we were always told that friends come and go, but family is forever. How lucky am I that my best friend is family?

Spring 2017

“Sisters, sisters. There were never such devoted sisters.”

- White Christmas

Growing up as an Ermis Girl

It is not unusual for eldest children to have the opportunity to experience being an only child. I am coming to realize that many families wait a few years before having more children. This was not the case with mine.

As a child I remember wishing that I could have experienced being an only child, but the more I look back on my life, the more I feel lucky to have grown up with my younger sister. No, it was not always smiles and sunshine for our sister relationship, but there was always a special connection even through the hard times.

Growing up, many people thought we were twins. It did not help that our mother had the habit of dressing us in the same outfits.

We were also very close in age. My sister, Sydney, was only one year behind me in school. When I was in 3rd Grade, she was in 2nd. When I was a Sophomore, she was a Freshman. Even now in college, I am a Senior and she is a Junior.

There were times of frustration being so close in age, but I am so grateful that I was able to have her close by during big moments in my life. Being so close in age meant we got to experience many things together.

Proud to be The Ermis Girls

Around junior high, my sister and I noticed that we were losing our personal names in exchange for the title "The Ermis Girls." At first we were not sure what to make of this. Was it a good thing?

We soon decided that we liked this. To us, it was a compliment! We realized that the reason for the title was because people were noticing that we stood up for each other in all situations and were there for each other when needed.

Both of us dealt with some not so great situations around this time. These circumstances only brought us closer.

Our relationship grew even more and solidified during our time in high school. During this time, we were both in band. I was a clarinet player and she was in color guard. This meant we saw a lot of each other between drives to practice, competitions and practice itself.

If either of us ever needed someone to talk to or go to, we always went to each other. It did not take long for us to realize that we really were "The Ermis Girls."

Being The Ermis Girls Today

After I finished high school, it was time to go off to college. While I would tell my family I missed my dog the most, I really missed my sister the most.

In the past, when I did not know someone or felt uncomfortable in a situation, I would go to my sister's side. I could not do that anymore. I missed having someone to talk to whenever I wanted. Someone who appreciated me and my unique personality.

I remember constantly trying to convince her to go to the same college as me. This way I would have her with me again.

At that time I was at Tarleton State and she never did come to school there. However, I have since transferred to Texas A&M University and guess who is my roommate this year? Sydney!

I transferred to TAMU in Fall 2019 and immediately started to talk to my sister about transferring in when she finished her time at Blinn. The day she got her acceptance letter was one of the best days of my college life.

Today we live together in College Station and I could not be more happy about it.

Just like any siblings, we still have our moments. Yet, there is something amazing about coming home and being with someone you love. Someone you feel comfortable around.

Blessed to be an Ermis Girl

In the last year we have gone through a lot. I feel so blessed though to have her to go through it with.

If anyone has pushed me to get through the hard times, it was her. She is always there for me. Always willing to take care of me, encourage me and overall help me when life gets tough.

Alone I may be Madison and she may be Sydney, but together we are The Ermis Girls.

Love y'all!

- M.E.

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