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2023 and M.E.

The saying is "New Year, New Me," but in reality I'm still the same M.E. that I have always been. This year I won't change, but my mindset will. So, I guess it is: New Year, New Perspective.

"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow."

- Audrey Hepburn

My 2023 Theme

This is the first time I have ever decided to pick a theme for the new year, but seeing where I am and how far I have come from last year I felt it made sense. So, for this year I have chosen a quote by one of my favorite influential figures, the lovely Audrey Hepburn. This quote has been my screen saver for over a year and it hit me today that it would be the perfect guide for me in 2023.

This year's theme: "To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." - Audrey Hepburn

Why This Theme? What Does It Mean?

To plant and see a garden flourish you have to do a lot of preparation; groundwork. You have to prep the soil, sew the seeds, water, nourish, tend to weeds and more. All of these things have to be done and happen before you will see your efforts blossom into a garden of beautiful flowers. Reaping these benefits, having something to show as a result of your hard work, takes time. You cannot plant a seed one day and expect a bouquet of roses the next.

2022 was a difficult year. I felt like I was just trying to push through; just surviving. In 2023 I want to grow past just healing and move into a state of regrowth. I liken my journey to that of a delicate flower that fought to survive a bitter winter. An intense, destructive environment working against the fragile flora, but it remained strong. Not letting its opportunity for regrowth to be taken from it by the elements that sought its demise. The flower is no longer dormant. It is ready to rise above the soil of the Earth and become an example of resilience and beauty.

So many odds were stacked against me in 2022, but I managed to come out of the year with a new desire to fight for myself and my mental, emotional and physical health. There are goals I want to reach this year. Goals I had set before my life changing accident and everything else that was to come in 2022. Now that I have overcome a year from my accident, I feel that I'm in a place to focus on goals other than healing from this unfortunate, unforeseen event.

I spent so much of the last year asking myself, "Why did Heavenly Father let me walk away from my accident with minimal injuries, let alone live?" This is a question that I have come to accept that I may never know the complete answer to. And that is okay. However, I do feel that I'm finding pieces to this answer each day. I continue to keep my mind, heart and eyes open to recognizing these reasons for me being here.

So, if I'm going to participate in this journey of regrowth and accomplish my goals, I have to start somewhere. I have to prepare the soil, sew the seed, water, nourish, tend to the weeds and be patient. By planting a garden today, starting on my goals now, I am showing the world, myself and my Heavenly Father that I believe in tomorrow.

I am blessed and thankful to still have my tomorrow.

Have you begun planting your garden?

- M.E.

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