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Life After College

You spend your whole life studying and preparing for this, but when the day comes you wonder: What's next?

"Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead."

- Nora Ephron

Wait, Now What?

Well, I did it! I graduated from Texas A&M University!

I actually graduated a couple of weeks ago, but the reality of life after college has kept me pretty busy. Regardless of when I graduated, I still graduated!

Graduating was a huge accomplishment for me. My whole life I worked hard so that I could get into college and graduate from a top university. This was my main focus for 22 years of my life.

At the start of my senior year I started to look into jobs for after school. However, due to the pandemic, many places were still not hiring. Eventually I felt defeated by this and it began to wear me down.

I can remember the day that I came to the decision to stop looking for a job and just focus on finishing out my senior year. The disappointment of not finding a job had begun to eat at me and I stopped focusing on school.

Once I made the choice to focus on school and continue looking for work when the time came, I was a lot happier.

It was during this time that a job position appeared out of nowhere. This position was the first one I read that sounded perfect for me!

Unfortunately, there was no information on how to apply. So, I took it upon myself to find the address of the business and take in a resume.

I never would have imagined what would happen next.

Take the Chance

The day I took my resume to this business would be a turning point in my life. Less than two hours after dropping off my resume I received a call from the CEO of the company.

He wanted me to come in for an interview that same day! I could not believe it!

While I wanted to drop everything I was doing and go, I unfortunately had class. So, we arranged to meet the next day.

I arrived early for my interview and met with the CEO immediately. Before I knew it, I was being offered a job before the interview was even over.

My mind was racing. I was excited and nervous. Two weeks prior I had sat down with my parents to tell them that I would be moving back home after graduation and would go back to my retail job until I found something else.

Never would I have imagined at that point that I would be landing a professional job before graduation even came.

You Got This!

As I am sure you have guessed, I took the job and have been working there since May.

Since I had not expected to be offered the job so quickly, I had not thought much about whether or not I would accept it. I knew I needed to talk both with my family and God about the decision.

This was the biggest choice I have ever made in my life and I can say without a doubt that saying "Yes" was the best thing I could have done for myself.

Not only was this a big decision, but it was the first of many "adult life" decisions I have made after college.

Graduation to Growing Up

Being out of college has certainly been a shock. Having a professional job has been exciting and an adjustment.

My life was literally dedicated to school, especially these last four years. I still can not wrap my head around the idea that I will not be returning to school in the fall.

Coming home from work and not having to study for an exam feels amazing. I can focus on other responsibilities as long as I am getting my work done during the day.

Being out of college and having a secure job encouraged me to make another change to my life. I decided to adopt a kitten!

Between my job, paying bills and caring for a new kitten, I feel like I have really transitioned into my life after college.

Different, but Good

Graduating has been bittersweet. On one hand, I am happy to be done with school and on the other I miss it.

However, I see now the benefits of getting an education. Whenever my boss presents me with a new challenge, I catch myself always using the skills I learned in my college career.

While I do miss the college atmosphere and am starting to feel old, I am enjoying this new phase of my life.

Having so much responsibility can be scary at times, but it has been incredibly rewarding.

Receiving a pay check and paying my bills completely on my own while also caring for a kitten feels incredible. I use to worry that I would not be able to do these things on my own, but I am proving to myself that I am capable.

Each day of this new life comes with its own challenges, but when you overcome them you feel like you can do anything!

For You

If you are worried about life after college that is okay. It is normal to fear the unknown.

Whether you spend your senior year searching for a job or just focusing on graduating, make sure you are doing what is best for you.

Something I was reminded of during my experience was that God DOES have a plan for you.

Be prepared to make hard decisions.

Be ready for others opinions.

And overall be ready to do what is best for you.

If I can do this, you can do this!

Love y'all!

- M.E.

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