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Life with Drew: Pet Parenting

Adopting your first pet that is completely yours and your responsibility is a huge step. It is challenging, but oh so rewarding.

"Pets bring vital energy to our homes and lives. Pets communicate many messages about love and connection. Care tenderly for all pets throughout their precious lives. The interspecies dance of love softens and expands the heart."

- Laura Staley

Kitty Cat Fever!

Making the decision to adopt Drew started the same way I assume every pet adoption does. You see the cute photos of kittens and puppies. You may have even lived in a home with a pet or two, or maybe more.

You can't help but to want a furry friend by your side.

All of these factors result in "Pet Fever!" From the moment it sets in, you can't get the thought of adopting an animal off your mind. Every free moment you have is spent researching the pet you want and looking at adoption centers and rescues for your perfect companion.

Before you know it, you have your eyes set on that special puppy or kitty that is going to cure your desire for a partner with paws.

At least, this is how it happened for me.

My whole life I have loved animals. So much that at one point I had plans to be a vet. Our household always had a at least one dog and one cat in it.

When I left for college, one of the hardest things was having to leave behind my beloved dog. I have always said that Penelope is my best friend and has been since we adopted her when I was in fourth grade.

However, being over 17 years old, my parents and I agreed it was best for her to stay with the family.

Throughout college I still had the desire to own a pet, but my family convinced me that it was best to wait until after a I graduated. And when I did graduate, I wasted no time.

I graduated in May and adopted Drew in June, thus beginning our life together.

Finding My Furry Friend

Even after graduation when I would mention wanting to adopt a pet, my parents continued to advise against it and warned me that it would be better to wait.

I really did not want to wait anymore. I had already gone 4 years without an animal in my daily life; without a furry companion to play with, love and cuddle at night.

Knowing that my sister would be away for the summer, leaving me alone at the apartment, was a big motivator for me to take the plunge now.

While I have lived alone in the past, this last year has put me in a place where I need interaction to keep me upbeat and motivated to do even the most basic things.

I understood owning a pet would be difficult, but I could not help seeing how the pros outweighed the cons. I knew bringing an animal into my life would come with its challenges and I would need to learn to adapt, but I also recognized that bringing the right pet into my life would have a huge positive impact on me and my mental health.

Before making the decision, I researched all that I could about adopting a kitten and owning a cat. What should I expect? How much would vet bills be? What would I need to make my home kitty ready?

I went as far as to look at every aspect of my personal finances to ensure that I could properly provide for the animal.

While my best furry friend had been a dog previously, I felt like caring for a cat would be a better decision since I live in an smaller apartment with no backyard.

When I began looking for cats in my area, I came across a local cat rescue that specifically worked with feral momma's and kittens.

I immediately followed their social media and looked into several kittens. Each description was cuter than the last. However, the moment I read Drew's bio my heart melted and I fell in love with her instantly.

It turned out that unlike the many other kittens, no one had sent in one single application to adopt Drew. Apparently, they have a hard time finding people to adopt all black cats because of superstition.

I did not care though. The moment I read "loves to give kisses on the nose" and "professional biscuit maker" I knew she was the one for me.

Not to mention, I have a soft spot for animals with rough beginnings. My dog Penelope actually came from a puppy mill situation. She is literally the sweetest and most grateful dog.

So, naturally, when I read that Drew was named after Drew's Car Wash because she fell out of a car's engine while going through the car wash, I knew I had to bring her into my life and show her all the love she deserves.

I quickly messaged the rescue to see if she was still available, when they said she still had zero applications I jumped at the opportunity, put in an application and was approved the next day to adopt.

The Honeymoon Phase

In the days leading up to Drew's adoption, I prepared for her arrival. I bought a bed, a scratching post, food, bowls, treats and all the toys she could want.

When the day came to pick her up, my parents and brother came to visit. We all loved her from the start.

I was worried that she would be scared and nervous, and she was for about five minutes. One of the things the rescue sent home with her though was her special push up treat. When we got to the apartment I opened the treat, she ran over and the rest is history.

To this day, she is still very food motivated.

On her adoption day she showed how affectionate she really is. In my whole life, I have never had a cat as affectionate as Drew. She loves to curl up in laps and sleep. And as for kisses, she loves to give them.

The first few weeks were pretty easy. I would definitely call them the honeymoon phase. We were both figuring each other out and I was just in bliss that I had my new little kitten.

This time was filled with fresh, new excitement.

Test Time

The honeymoon phase of being a new pet owner has certainly ended and Drew is already growing up so fast. Within the one month of having her, she has evolved from one stage of kittenhood to the next.

I have learned that she is in the kitten phase equivalent of being a teenager. Meaning, she is testing every limit.

This has made things more difficult. Every time I turn around I am moving her off of areas she shouldn't be, picking up things she has knocked down and leading her to the scratching post.

There is also the infamous cat zoomies. This includes quite literally zooming around the apartment, nibbling and scratching items and myself.

These things have led to some frustration, but then she stops and cuddles me or gives kisses and I melt once more.

I do my best not to get angry because at the end of the day, she is just being a cat.

Even on days that she tests me the most or nights that she does not let me sleep, I can't stop myself from spoiling her in every way possible.

I Care for Her, She Cares for Me

Every day with Drew is a blessing, even on challenging days. While I am caring for her, I can't help but notice how she cares for me.

As I mentioned before, I knew that adopting a pet would be a benefit to my mental health. I can't express how true this has been.

Before bringing Drew into my life, I was just living through the motion. Especially after work. Whenever I got home, I would eat and then go straight to bed. I had nothing else to do.

Now that I am out of school, I don't have homework. My friends have all moved home for the summer or are on trips. And my sister is at an internship elsewhere.

What reason did I have for even getting things done around the apartment?

When I brought Drew home, this all changed. I had my motivation back.

Every morning starts with Drew waking me up. The moment my alarm goes off, she is up licking my face and giving me kisses until I am up and going. Throughout the morning she keeps me company and talks to me.

Yes. Talks to me. Drew is the most vocal cat I have ever known. Even the vet commented that she is "very opinionated." Which is fitting, considering I am too.

As soon as I get home from work, I walk into the sound of Drew greeting me.

Once I have settled in, we will both have dinner and then spend the evening playing and cuddling. Not only does this make her happy and gets her energy out, but it does the same for me. It is honestly crazy how active having her around has made me.

A newer part of our daily routine is clicker training. She is so smart! In just a week she learned how to sit (though she sits to the phrase "booty down" instead of "sit"), high five and spin.

Having her around also motivates me to keep the apartment clean. Mostly so that she doesn't get into anything and get hurt.

At this point, I can't imagine not going through my day without this fluff ball and having her curl up with me at night.

Drew brings so much joy and happiness in my life. Even as I type this, she is curled up in my lap.

I have seen a huge difference in myself since deciding to adopt a furry companion.

I am happier. I am motivated. I am more responsible. And my heart has grown ten-fold.

Wanting to Adopt? Here's Some Advice

I have spent a lot of time talking about how much I love having Drew in my life, but I do want to warn that it is not always easy.

As I mentioned, not every moment is kisses and cuddles. Animals like to test the limits around them. It is in there nature.

If you choose to adopt, make sure you are willing to take on every aspect of pet ownership.

I advise to always do your research on the pet you want and make sure you are fully capable of caring for that animal. This includes caring for them physically, emotionally and financially.

Having a pet and caring for them properly is such a rewarding feeling. When you do this, you are able to create an amazing bond with your animal.

If you have done your research, are prepared for a life-long commitment and know that you can financially care for the pet, I recommend taking the plunge.

From my experience, I believe that pets are sweet spirits placed on this earth to teach us love and companionship.

I hope y'all enjoyed this post.

Love y'all!

- M.E.

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