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Third Time WAS a Charm

Do not stop trying to find your place. As they say, "Third time's a charm."

Transferring in College

Looking back at my Senior year of high school, I never would have guessed this is where I would be today. Regardless, here I am, a few months shy of being a Texas A&M University (TAMU) graduate.

Four years ago I was making plans to pack up and move to Stephenville, TX where I would start my college career at Tarleton State University.

Even that decision was unusual, as I never knew the school existed until my Senior year. Yet, I am a very stubborn person and after being told by certain individuals that I had to go to Texas A&M, I felt the need to defy them.

So, I went to Tarleton. It did not take me long to realize though that this was not the school for me.

While Tarleton was a great university, it was too small and I did not feel like I was getting the education I wanted from my major. Not to mention it was growing harder to be away from home.

These reasons, along with others, made me realize that I needed a change. I needed to transfer. By the spring of my second year of college, I took the chance and did so.


I could not wait to transfer out of Tarleton. Staying any longer was not going to help me to get where I needed and wanted to be. However, transferring to a big university in the middle of the year did not seem like a great idea either.

Because of this, I decided that it was best to move back home and attend Blinn College. Something I always said I would never do. Blinn is referred to as Blinndergarten for a reason in Brenham, TX. It is where many Brenham graduates go before attending bigger universities.

However, this ended up being a great experience for me. By being home, I was able to spend time with family and help them whenever needed. It felt good to be around a support system again. Something I was missing in Stephenville.

It was not always easy though, being home. Now that I was back home, it meant I could pick up working again. This proved difficult and stressful as I worked borderline full time while taking 16 hours at Blinn.

One semester, one job and many tears later, I did it. I finished my semester at Blinn. Somehow I figured out a way to juggle class, work and family.

The Loudest and Proudest!

The day I got my acceptance letter to Texas A&M was a day I will never forget. While it was exciting to get into a top school, it was even more exciting to know where I would be going.

There had been so much uncertainty before and I was not sure where I would be if I did not get accepted.

Every night I thank my Heavenly Father for giving me this opportunity.

Being an Aggie has been the best experience for me. After moving to College Station, I became more involved in school and finally found a community to be a part of.

Before coming to TAMU, my college life revolved around studying and not much else. I was missing out on something. Being at Tarleton and Blinn, I never felt like I fit in. However, the moment I stepped foot on the TAMU campus, I was greeted with open arms and felt included.

I have grown so much during my time at TAMU. I have learned how to be independent, built new relationships, explored new opportunities and overall discovered who I am.

Moving Forward

As I finish up my last semester at TAMU, I feel a bittersweet emotion.

It took me what felt like forever to find my place and I am not ready to leave. But, I am also excited for the future college has prepared me for.

I do not regret starting off at Tarleton or even transitioning through Blinn. These experiences have made me who I am today.

My college experience overall has taught me that it is okay to say that your first decision was not the best decision. I always encourage others to not feel bad for changing your mind.

It is okay to try something different.

After all, third time's a charm.

Love y'all!

- M.E.

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